Star of England #8
8x8ft Barn Quilt - Village Trail
This quilt represents the English heritage of the Kettle family and was painted by Bill Kettle in honor of his parents who came to the United States from England in 1964. The barn was originally part of the Woodward farm manager’s property and likely dates to the 1920s. “Scanlan” is written on beams inside the barn. When repairs were done on the roof in 2013, they found the underlay was comprised of 1949 newspapers.
Bill Kettle, who is involved with the local music scene, wrote a song that chronicles his parent’s dream when they moved to the United States:
Wheels touch down at JFK October 4th of ‘64
A young lad, 80 dollars in his pocket, med charts, and not much more.
Got a job as a welder at a local factory
Sent for his love, three months later, got married, and started their own family.
It’s a story about life – a story about love
A story about our dad and all the things he did for us and never giving up
We miss you so much, and time stands still or so it seems
Thank you, Dad, for living your American dream.
Dad was a drummer. Showed how to play on the two and four
Balance a check book and drive a car and yes so much more
You see, I was one of three boys, our little sister she made four
There’s no denying she was daddy’s little girl and the one that he adored
She was his life, his love of 56 years
Hand in hand through all the laughter and tears
She might have been the one that you never knew
But if dad was the rock, you know mom was the glue
And together, they built a story about life, a story about love
A story about our dad and all the things he did for us and never giving up
It’s a story about life, a story about love
A story about our dad and all the things he did for us and never giving up
We miss you so much, and time stands still or so it seems
Thank you, Dad, for living your American dream